Woburn, MA – Triangle, Inc. is proud to announce its new partnership with the electronic recycling company, Green Network Exchange.

Green Network Exchange, led by President/CEO David Williams, is a “Green Technology Company” that has become one of the most prominent electronic waste recycling companies servicing greater New England and New York, including thirty property management firms and more than 500 independent clients. With demand being so high, Mr. Williams was excited when Triangle, Inc. contacted him looking for an employment opportunity for one of its students.

Triangle, Inc.’s Transitions to Successful Careers (TSC) program provides high school and college students with disabilities the opportunity to learn career readiness skills and matches them with a six-week internship with an organization in their community based on their career aspirations.

From the start, Roger, a TSC student, expressed an interest in computers, software, and data. He is a high school senior who wants to pursue a degree in computer science upon graduation – the perfect fit for Green Network Exchange. David has gone above and beyond, working closely with Roger one-on-one, traveling around the “128 Tech Corridor” together to pick up recycled technology. David’s leadership is allowing Roger to have the support and training he needs to pursue his goals in the computer science industry. When we asked Roger what he thought of her new job, he said, “I love it! It’s right up my ally, and will help me towards my goal of working in the tech field. I want to see if David needs more help part-time in the summer so I can continue working here.”

“Partners like David from Green Network Exchange are what makes this program successful” said Triangle, Inc.’s CEO, Coleman Nee. “And for Roger, the skills and experience he obtains are life changing. We are grateful for this partnership to help create more inclusive workplaces so together, we can help the world realize we are all people with ability.”

For more information on how to partner with Triangle, Inc., please visit

About Triangle, Inc. – Since 1971, Triangle, Inc. has provided the support, challenge, and opportunity people with disabilities need to move forward toward more independent, fulfilling lives. This past year Triangle, Inc. provided innovative career skills, abuse prevention, and leadership development services for over 3,700 people from 105 Southern New England communities.